5 ways i’m being intentional about selfcare this year

My main focus this year is to prioritize selfcare. As a mom of a 3 year old and 2 year old I admit, I tend to neglect taking care of myself outside of the literal things that I need to survive. However, I did not just want to say I want to prioritize selfcare and then, well not do it. I wanted to make it an intention and then make a plan that was attainable to my current lifestyle.
Being ok with saying “NO”
To start, i’m going to learn the word NO. I admit i’ve gotten myself in a lot of shit because I say yes to everything. My intention is to say yes to things that will benefit me and my future, things that bring me joy, and things that I don’t have to sacrifice for. I have always felt that I had to say yes because it may make me look a certain way to others but at the end of the day it’s okay to set boundaries. I came to the realization that I cannot help everyone and I am not obligated to do so.
Taking time once a month to do something I enjoy…alone
Me time was put on the back burner after having my first son and was extinct after having my second son. Please don’t get me wrong, I LOVE MOMMY TIME. However, in order for me to be the best mommy I can be I need time to rest, time to think, time to ensure my mental health is in order. I used to feel guilty wanting to take a day for myself but my mindset shifted to me deserving this uninterrupted time. A few ways I plan to spend me time are:
- Going to the spa
- working at a coffee shop for the day
- renting a luxury hotel suite
- Taking a class on something I enjoy
Delegating tasks as needed
Ok ok I can’t do it all alone. There I admit it, I need help. I am so excited to finally make delegating tasks a priority in my life. Doing this will enable me more freedom with my children and more time to be creative in my businesses. Handing specific jobs to those who specialize in it is not only a time saver but also a great business move because the work is done right. A few tasks I plan to delegate:
- Photography
- YouTube editing when I open my channel back up
- Marketing especially during holiday season
- Social media management when I am out of office
Nourishing my body and mind properly
Is it just me or after you have kids does it seem like you only survive off of coffee and like one meal a day? Seriously, my eating habits have not been up to par in well…years. I want to prioritize eating healthier meals and eating 3 full meals a day. Maybe i’ll create some cooking content for a little accountability.
I also want to be intentional in prioritizing my mental health. With access to many platforms for therapy I want to take the steps to have a session at least once a month. For convenience I want to try out virtual therapy. Here are a few apps:
- BetterHelp
- Cerebral
- Talkspace
Finding community
Lastly, I want to find a community of other moms and mompreneurs. In person or online. Just a group of women who are like me and just get it. After having kids maintaining friendships is important but I feel like we need people who get that we cannot navigate life like once before. Feel the same way? Let’s be friends! join my community through my email list or following me on social media @TheRayfancy so we can chat.
How are you taking care of yourself this year?
Other posts to read:
- How I stay productive working from home with kids
- How to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom
- How to start a blog on a budget in 2021
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