How to potty train your toddler

What is Potty Training?
Potty training is a process where children are introduced to the idea of using the toilet instead of diapers. This process usually starts around age 2 or 3, but can start earlier or later. All kids are different but as parents there are a few effective things we can do to make the process easier and more enjoyable. Lets take a look at the essential ways to the burning question ” How to potty train your toddler”.
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How to Start Potty Training a Toddler
There are many ways to start potty training a toddler, but there is no best way. It is important to understand that it can take time for the child to get used to the idea.
The most popular method is the “elimination communication” or “natural infant hygiene”. This method involves parents recognizing their child’s signals and then taking them to the toilet when they need to go. The second most popular method is “parent-directed potty training” which involves parents giving their children cues on when they should use the toilet.
Overview of potty training steps:
-Start by giving your child the basics of their body and how they go to the potty.
– The parent starts by introducing the child to the potty and explaining what it’s for.
– The parent will then help the child sit on the potty when they need to go, but not necessarily expect them to go on it themselves just yet.
– The parent will give praise when they do go in front of the potty, even if they don’t use it perfectly every time. Praise can look like affirming phrases (ie. Great job!), a treat, or a sticker.
- I suggest giving them something to do on the potty such as coloring, a game, a toy or stuffed animal etc.
– After this, children are expected to start using their new skills without any help from parents or caregivers, except for emergencies.
*Pro tip* After your child starts going on a consistent basis put them in training underwear in addition to their diapers/pull-ups to get them used to wearing underwear.
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Potty Training Tips for Parents
Potty training tips for parents are important to know. When you are potty training your child, it is important to be patient and understanding. Potty training is a process and it takes time. The most important thing is to make sure that you stay consistent with the potty training schedule and don’t give up if your child doesn’t start using the potty after a couple of weeks. Every child is different.
There are many reasons why children don’t want to use the potty even when they can do so without any help from their parents. Some of these reasons include fear, anxiety, or having trouble with bodily functions such as constipation or bladder control. If you experience any of these things with your child(ren) please consult with your pediatrician sooner rather than later.
Potential Problems with Potty Training
Potty training is a major milestone in a child’s life. It can be nerve-wracking for parents, too. There are many potential problems that may arise during potty training. These problems can range from the child not being able to stay dry for an extended period of time to the child not being able to go on their own when they have the urge to go.
A lot of these potential problems are caused by fear of embarrassment, fear of being wet or dirty, or just plain lack of understanding about how the body works. Since you’re new to this, it’s important that you watch out for potential errors that can occur. So don’t rush things and make sure they’re done correctly. Here are few tips:
- Keep a detail log book of each potty encounter. This way you have a detailed view of things that work and do not work. Honestly, mom brain is real and potty training is sometimes stressful, so this is a life saver
- Keep a potty in their favorite area instead of the bathroom starting out (ie. playroom) so they are in a comfortable area
- Utilize engaging child friendly potty videos via YouTube
- Ask questions instead of demanding when you see their “got to potty” cues. (ie. “Do you need to potty?” instead of “go sit on the potty”)
Final thoughts
The best way to potty train a toddler is to make them feel like they are in control of the process. This will make them more comfortable and less anxious about the whole process. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint. Every child develops at different stages and that is okay. If you have any other tips and tricks for other mamas feel free to leave them down below.
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